
Call for compensation after Gorey works extended again

Jon De Gruchy Picture: ROB CURRIE. (37886799)

A FISH-and-chip shop owner has called for compensation after engineering work which he says has caused a major drop in takings was extended for a second time.

色人阁 Electricity is carrying out repairs to a substation, which has meant the closure of Mont de Gouray and the introduction of a signposted diversion to exit Gorey village.

Jon de Gruchy, of Entwhistles fish-and-chip shop, last month said there had been a decline in through traffic as a result of the works, with his takings at least 20% down.


Similar concerns were raised by the respective owners of the nearby Smile laundry business and the Gorey Fruit Shop 鈥 who explained that public confusion over whether the village was closed had meant fewer customers.

The work, which had already been extended until the end of April, is now expected to last until the middle of May.

Commenting on the extension of the repairs, Mr de Gruchy said that 鈥渢here is a case for compensation鈥.

鈥淚f I was a builder I would be penalised for not getting a job finished in time.

鈥淢y frustration is that they don鈥檛 seem to understand the impact on businesses.鈥

Monika De Gruchy (Entwhistle’s Fish and Chips), Dalila Gomes (Smile Laundry Ltd) and Joanne Le Couilliard (Gorey Fruit Shop) alongside the diversion signs Picture: JON GUEGAN. (37882496)

JE鈥檚 chief operating officer Mark Preece said: 鈥淲hile carrying out the initial building works to the substation 鈥 which is sited near the junction of Mont de Gouray and Mont Gabard 鈥 it became clear that it required greater repairs than initially expected.

鈥淲e quickly engaged a structural engineer and, alongside our electrical engineers, we have drawn up plans to maintain the safety and integrity of the substation building, neighbouring properties and surrounding infrastructure.鈥

He added: 鈥淭he safety of our employees and the public is our number one priority whilst we complete this essential work, which will help future-proof Gorey鈥檚 electricity supply.

鈥淥ur engineering and customer teams have been on the ground in Gorey, updating business owners on the works and the vast majority are supportive and understanding.

鈥淲hile we鈥檙e here undertaking this essential work, we鈥檇 like to reassure Islanders that Gorey Village remains open 鈥 vehicle access into Gorey Village is unaffected, and there is a clearly signposted diversion to exit the village.鈥

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