
Pay offer made to Scotland鈥檚 council workers

Council workers in Scotland have been offered a two-part pay deal, which local government leaders insist is at the 鈥渓imit鈥 of what they can afford.

Cosla, which represents Scotland鈥檚 32 local authorities, said the 鈥渟trong, fair and credible鈥 pay offer had聽been made following 鈥渧ery constructive鈥 talks.

However Unison, the largest local government union in Scotland, insisted the deal being put forward 鈥渇alls short of the level local government workers deserve鈥 and said it would be recommending staff reject the offer.

It comes as care workers in both the GMB Scotland and Unite unions are being balloted on strike action, in a vote which closes on June 19.

A Cosla spokesperson insisted however that聽there had been a number of 鈥渧ery constructive鈥 meetings of the Scottish Joint Council steering group 鈥 which brings together the unions along with councils.

These have resulted in the formal pay offer being made to local government workers 鈥 with the spokesperson stressing the deal is 鈥渁t the limit鈥 of what councils can afford.

鈥淲e believe that this is a strong, fair, and credible offer which reflects the high value council leaders place on the local government workforce and the invaluable work they do every day to serve our communities.鈥

However Colette Hunter, chairwoman of Unison Scotland鈥檚 local government committee, said: 鈥淭he offer falls short of the level local government workers deserve and the union is recommending staff vote to reject it when they are consulted next week.

鈥淲orkers have seen the value of their pay fall over the past 10 years, while often being asked to do even more.

鈥淭hey provide vital services to their communities by caring for the most vulnerable, educating children, waste and recycling, and keeping people safe.

鈥淐ouncil workers need a pay rise that reflects this.鈥

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